I was inspired by the converse sneakers from Free People to add a little bling to my own. Although mine aren't nearly as cool as theirs, they cost a lot less and they're still a somewhat cool. I may order some pyramid studs online and make another pair, but in a different color. Possibly yellow or red. I would like them to look something like this...

Free People Sneakers $168
Shoe #1
(sorry, you'll have to excuse the dirt)
What one do you like better?
For this porject I used:
5/16" Jean Rivets (from Michaels)
Rivet Press
Nail to poke holes
Mini screwdriver to make holes bigger
Mark holes with marker where you want to place the jean rivets. Use the nail to poke holes in the marked spot. If you need the hole to be bigger use a small screwdriver to widen the hole. As for the rest, follow the directions on the back of the jean rivets.
You can do this on any article of clothing to add a little something.
haha my boyfriend Joe just asked me if I want the bedazzeler for Christmas. Oh, I hope these shoes don't look like they were made by the bedazzeler!!