To the meadow we go...
Pumpkin Hill Bistro
So I'm back home visiting my family for just about a week and I thought I would introduce you to some more of my family and the things I love about being home. This is a picture (along with a few others) of my mom and two nephews, Andrew and Kyle. We are at the most adorable little restaurant, the Pumpkin Hill Bistro in Aurora, NY. Every little detail has been thought out. From salad served in mini colanders with a pie tin underneath, to your bill being brought out in a mini clay pot or tea cup. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was even better. We ate out on the porch that overlooks a meadow and Cayuga Lake. There was a slight breeze with the sun peeking through. After we walked a short trail through the meadow. What a lovely afternoon!
P.S. I have to apologize and say that these pictures are out of order, but I am very new to this blog business and will hopefully get it figured out sooner than later.