Well, my gigantic checked tablecloth finally came in handy for our 4th of July BBQ. It was much too large for this table so I folded it in half and perfect!
My Coca Cola Crate is one of my most favorite versatile items. Here I used it for paper plates, plastic ware, and a vase of flowers. I love it!
Yes I was the crazy lady pulled over on the side of the road with her scissors cutting the wild black eyed susans. They are my most favorite, but unfortunately they start to wilt almost immediately once picked. I did find a tip online though that if you mix water with 1/2 tsp. of bleach and 1 tsp sugar, it will make flowers last longer. I guess we'll see!

I purchased this little jug today at the local antique mall. I think it's adorable! I also think these books are adorable. Especially the one on top that my Aunt gave me. 

Love it!

Oh and I can't not mention my new (well not really new, but new to me) watering can. I'm running out of room for all my fabulous finds! Someone please buy me a house!!!
your so cool!and you know if i could i would buy you the house of your dreams but for now.. just have to dream...