Being the first weekend of October, I thought it was a good time to change up my decor. I did not have to make many changes to add a little Halloween flare. Previous to yesterday all decor was the same, aside from the crows, spiders and webs, and my cute little copper Jack-O-lantern. I don't like to overdecorate on Holidays, rather keep it simple using mostly items from nature.
Here I used a gorgeous pumpkin as the focal point and built around it. In addition, I filled apothecary jars with various fall colored candies, left out my Pottery Barn wire candle holders (these go along with pretty much anything), a few crows from Michaels, and spider-webs, with creepy glitter spiders. I placed this all on top of an antique grainsack with unusual purple stripes. I have always felt that purple adds a nice touch to Fall/Halloween decor.
Look at the color of this pumpkin. I think it's gorgeous!
To be honest, I really do not like spiders, and I have to admit, these kind of make me nautious, lol. They seem more realistic in these photos.
Here I dressed up an antique chippy shutter with webs and spiders. Notice the antique german sweet chocolate box. I wish I could zoom. This was in the basement of my very old apt. building. Our landlords had the basement cleaned out and this was in front waiting to be thrown away. That was until I came to its rescue. I have been waiting to use it as I think it is adorable for this time of year. Never hesitate to peek threw (with permission obviously) stuff being thrown away for "ones man's trash is another man's treasure!"
During the summer I had pretty blue aprons hanging from this shelf. These fall colored aprons could not have worked out better. Such a simple way to change up your decor for the seasons.
I made this banner from burlap. I simply cut out triangles and sewed them on the end and strung them on hemp string.
This table cloth is made from a canvas drop cloth. The material was about $10 for a 6X9 ft. drop cloth. I had other plans for this but I instead cut a piece, draped it over the table, and pinned it to fit, no sewing involved. Notice the back, which I never touched, lol. Hope no one notices!
nice job, and you can clik on the pic and it will zoom for you, love you!